In recent weeks, news has emerged of more than 400 people being detained by Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip. Hamas is a militant Islamic organization that controls the area and has been engaged in regular conflicts with Israel since 2006. Among those detained, it is reported that some are festival-goers, children, and soldiers.
There have been numerous reports that Disc Jockeys, musicians, and concert-goers have been victims of Hamas detention. Many of the people targeted are part of the underground music scene in the Gaza Strip. Reports suggest that they have been targeted for attending music festivals, and some have been subjected to interrogation and torture.
Shockingly, it is believed that Hamas has been detaining some children too. Reports suggest that these children are likely to have been accused of disobeying the government by attending protests or demonstrations. Whilst the majority of these children are aged between 15-17, some are as young as 13. It is believed that the Hamas police have been specifically targeting children in an attempt to crush opposition amongst the youth.
The Israeli government has confirmed that a number of their soldiers have been captured by Hamas. It is believed that these soldiers are part of a special unit used to gather intelligence. The exact number of soldiers captured is unknown, however, it is suspected to be in the dozens.
Whilst the total number of people arrested by Hamas is yet to be known, it is clear that the organization is indiscriminately targeting people from different walks of life. Palestinians have expressed grave concerns over the safety of the detainees, as reports of torture and ill-treatment continue to mount.
This latest news further raises questions over the actions taken by Hamas, which has faced international condemnation for its numerous human rights violations. It is essential that steps are taken to ensure the safety of people in the Gaza Strip and to prevent further abuses from taking place.