For many years now, paleontologists have been stumped trying to identify the mysterious animals that lived millions of years before the earliest birds appeared. A recent study conducted by researchers from the University of Arizona has revealed new evidence that these animals may have walked around on bird-like feet.
The research team studied fossil specimens collected from approximately 333 and 372 million years ago. These fossils revealed the existence of several animals that had never been seen before. Some of these animals had feet that were similar in structure to those of modern-day birds.
The research team found that many of these fossil specimens had features such as branchial arches, which are structures that allow birds to breathe underwater. Other features such as skeletal structure, leg lengths, and joint articulations were consistent with modern birds.
The researchers suggest that these unique animals might have been in the early stages of developing wings – although, the wings were not fully functional yet. If this is true, it could mean that these animals were transitioning from an early reptilian ancestor to a more advanced bird-like form.
The researchers believe that the mystery animals that existed millions of years ago played a role in shaping the evolution of today’s birds. The findings are important because they shed light on the animal’s evolutionary history and provide insight into the evolution of modern-day birds.
The research team concluded that the fossils provide the first confirmed evidence of an intermediate species between reptiles and birds. By studying these fossils, researchers can learn more about the evolution of birds and the mysterious animals that existed millions of years before them.