In a stunning discovery, scientists have uncovered an unexpected cooling phenomenon in the Himalayas as temperatures warm.
As climate change clinically warms the Earth, scientists have become increasingly aware of the accelerating climate crisis. But a recent study presented a surprising finding: the Himalayan mountain range is experiencing an unexpected cooling phenomenon amid temperatures rising worldwide.
In a joint effort researches from universities surrounding the Himalayas, such as, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Peking University, and the Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, among others, conducted a comprehensive study of the region. They discovered that since the 1960s, temperatures in the Eastern Himalayas have been slowly decreasing, and that the retreat of the Himalayan glaciers has been slowing down as well.
While the scientists are unsure as to why the Eastern Himalayas are experiencing this cooling phenomenon, they theorize that the increase in snow and ice cover in East Asia, combined with rising air pressure in the Tibetan Plateau, could be a key factor creating an increased temperature down the Eastern side of the Himalayas.
The study found that while East and Central Asia have seen a rapid increase in temperatures due to human-caused climate change, the Eastern Himalayas have been able to keep their cooling trend intact. Although long-term climate projections estimate that the region will eventually experience a further warming, the news of this cooling phenomenon gives researchers hope that with the implementation of more sustainable practices, it may be possible to protect the region from extreme climate change.
The findings of this study also present a unique opportunity for researchers to explore the effects of climate change in a region that has been largely untouched by technological and social advancement. By using the Himalayas as a natural laboratory, scientists will hopefully gain further insight into how climate change is disrupting our world.